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Conference Reports and Papers

Scarborough, England 2013. Conference theme: The Transformative Power of Co-operation in Education. Please see here for keynote presentations and here for other presentations.
Brisbane, Australia 2010. Conference theme: Cooperative Learning: Pedagogy, Policy and Practice
    Extract from Keynote Presentation (video) - Dr. Celeste Brody wmv (2 MB) mp4 (9.6 MB)

Nagoya, Japan 2008 Conference Presentations and Papers Conference theme: Cooperative Learning in Japan and the World

Singapore, 2004 IASCE Conference

Manchester, England 2002 Conference Presentations and Papers. Conference theme: Cooperative Learning and Responsible Citizenship in the 21st Century
Plenary presentations:

Cooperative Learning Associations

BCCLA British Columbia Cooperative Learning Association

JASCE Japan Association for Study of Cooperation in Education

Other Organizations

IAIE: International Association for Intercultural Education  Co-sponsors of the 2008 Torino, Italy Conference. IASCE had a CL strand at the IAIE conferences in Athens (2009), in Mexico (2012), and in Budapest (2016).

Additional Cooperative Learning Links and Organizations

The Center for the Collaborative Classroom The Center for the Collaborative Classroom is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to providing continuous professional learning for teachers and curricula that support the academic, ethical, and social development of children

GRAI - Research Group about Peer Learning Peer learning: collaboration, cooperative learning and peer tutoring is a research group ad scribed to the Education Sciences Institute at the Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona (UAB), which constitutes a meeting point for professionals coming from diverse backgrounds committed to the study, practice and spreading out of peer learning.

Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together Jeanne Gibbs. Offers teaching tools, courses and articles related to creating collaborative teaching and learning communities

Program for Complex Instruction Stanford University: teacher training and materials to promote equal access to learning in heterogeneous classrooms

Kagan Cooperative Learning Spencer Kagan and associates. Specializes in staff development and educational resources for CL teachers

Elliot Aronson's Jigsaw Classroom History of Jigsaw, guide to implementation, books, articles and research results related to Jigsaw

Success for All Robert Slavin, Nancy Madden & Associates, Baltimore, MD, USA. A whole-school evidence-based improvement program that provides materials and teacher training

Cooperative Learning Institute Roger T. Johnson, David W. Johnson, University of Minnesota. The Institute develops, evaluates, and implements methods for classroom cooperation, competing appropriately, constructive controversy, integrative negotiations and peer mediation to resolute conflicts constructively

Engaging Schools Offer customized comprehensive programs and discrete workshops, consultation and technical assistance for school improvement

ERIC Abstracts on Cooperative Learning Type "cooperative learning" in the "Wizard" or the "Quick Search" text box

Richard Felder's Resources in Science and Engineering Education Offers techniques, tips and resources for effective college teaching

Collaborative Learning Project Teacher network with one of its aims to encourage collaborative working in classrooms

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