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Submitting a proposal

The closing date for submitting proposals for the 2019 conference in Taipei, Taiwan has now passed. The following information has been left as a reference for proposers.

Below are links with information and guidance to help you submit your proposal:

Because IASCE conferences focus on cooperative learning, we ask that all sessions provide opportunities for participants to interact.
If your proposal is for a Paper Presentation, please refer to the following document:

Important dates
IASCE has received multiple requests for an extension of the deadline for proposal submission for the March 2019 conference in Taipei, Taiwan. The revised deadlines are as follows:
22 July 2018 Closing date for submissions. All proposals will be reviewed after the deadline
9 September 2018 Latest date that all proposers will be notified of the outcome of their submission(s)
The following deadlines have not changed.
20 December 2018 Final date to register for conference at discounted rate
1 February 2019 Final date for presenter conference registration. If you have not registered by this time, we cannot guarantee that you will be included in the conference programme

Are you ready to submit a proposal?
Download your proposal form here and save on your device. The form is in Microsoft Excel format.  There are two tabs:
  1. Cover Sheet which collects the information about the presenter/s, and
  2. Details which collects the detail of your proposal.

Because this document is on your own computer, you do not need to complete your proposal all at once. You may find it easier to complete each question in a word-processing program and then paste the text into the Excel document. A useful tip: when typing in an Excel spreadsheet cell, a new line can be created using the Alt-Return key combination.

Once you have completed the information on both tabs:

  1. Name your file: use your first initial and last name plus the strand number (for example: mbreezestrand3) If you intend to submit more than one proposal, please use your first initial and last name plus 1 (for the first proposal), 2 (for the second proposal), etc. (For example: mbreeze1strand3 or mbreeze2strand5)
  2. Save a copy for yourself, and then email the completed file to maureen@iasce.net no later than the 5 July 2018.
If you need any other information about the proposal submission process or experience any problems, please contact Lynda Baloche: lynda@iasce.net or Maureen Breeze: maureen@iasce.net

Thank you for your interest.