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Conference purposes and strands

This conference provides an opportunity to:
  • participate in an event based on cooperative values and models that fosters dialogue, respect, and reflection through intentional engagement;
  • experience a supportive environment for networking with colleagues from around the world—with a focus on sharing experiences, projects, and research focused on effective  uses of cooperation in education;
  • learn about long-term projects in Taiwan, Japan, and elsewhere designed to disseminate and sustain the use of cooperative learning in support of educational excellence;
  • deepen understanding of how curricular reforms and regional and national initiatives can be integrated into, and supported by, the use of high-quality cooperative learning; 
  • examine the essential nature of cooperation in developing responsible citizens who are committed to interdependence and life-long learning, and are skilled in self-regulation,  creative thinking, and collaborative problem solving.
The conference is appropriate for academics, teachers and other educators at all levels in formal and non-formal education settings, educational policy makers, educational managers and administrators, and others with an interest in exploring cooperative learning and the application of cooperation in all aspects of education—locally, nationally, and globally.

Conference Strands
The following five conference strands have been developed to encourage stimulating conversations across a wide-variety of topics and participants.
Strand 1: Classroom Practices and Teacher Education
This strand focuses on (a) the practical implementation of cooperative learning in a wide variety of education settings and (b) teacher education and teacher professional development at all levels.
Strand 2: Responsible Citizenship in a Diverse and Interdependent World
This strand focuses on the role of cooperative learning in supporting (a) teaching and learning for diversity and inclusion; (b) social integration, social justice, and equity in schools and communities; and (c) explorations of the knowledge, skills, and values needed to develop global competency.
Strand 3: Cooperative Leadership and School Development
This strand focuses on the implementation and use of cooperative learning and cooperative strategies in whole school/institutional contexts and in regional or national programs. It includes the impact of innovative applications of cooperative vales, principles, and approaches on policies for educational improvement and management. 
Strand 4: Creativity, Innovation, and Problem Solving
This strand focuses on the intersections of creativity, innovation, and problem solving with cooperation. 
Strand 5: Information, Communication, and Technology
This strand focuses on the modern realities of technology and its impact on communication, the availability of information, and the heightened need for information literacy.